When a work cover claim has to be filed there is a fair amount to understand. Work compensation is far from black and white. Work Cover is a work compensation insurer. It is important to be well-informed from the start. Just being aware of the important facts can assist you putting to bed any feelings of unrest regarding your work cover or work compensation claim.
It can often be difficult to choose which path to take when presented with your options. Not having a good understanding of the process can lead to doubt. For free information forms and support call 1800 006 766 or click here to contact us.
One way to remove doubt is to discuss your workers comp claim with an injury helpline. You can obtain free information and gain a better understanding of your rights and protection under the law.
1. There is plenty of time
No there isn’t plenty of time available for claims. In fact claims have strict time limits. Don’t hang around contemplating, call an injury helpline who can talk you through the process and what to expect. Decisions need to be made swiftly and with caution.
2. I will let my boss look after the work compensation claim
Your employer might take the initial steps to process your work accident claim. However, you are the person who needs to be at the helm. Working with your designated rehabilitation officer to ensure progress is essential. Your boss is unlikely to get legal advice on your behalf for a workplace injury. Obtaining legal advice is something you must do of your own accord.
3. It was my fault because..
Never blame yourself and never make assumptions. All work accident factors need to be considered before blame can be assigned. Negligence is determined by a lawyer who will assess your claim with all its variables. Even if you are partially at fault for a workplace injury you may still have rights.
4. My boss might fire me
Never assume you will be in trouble if you claim workers compensation. Your boss doesn’t pay workers comp, it is paid by the workers compensation insurer i.e. Work Cover. If you pursue a common law claim it is your legal right to do so. This compensation will assist you with any future economic losses resulting from your workplace injury. Your boss will be more concerned about your health than anything else, as most employers are.
5. Take the lump sum it’s the only option
This is not wise and not recommended. If you are offered a lump sum you must speak to an injury helpline or a legal professional who can advise you to take it or reject it proceeding to common law.
It is important to remember you have options. Sometimes our own thoughts and beliefs can block progress. It is important to believe you deserve this compensation, it will help you get life back on track and it is your legal right under the Australian law.
For more information of to discuss your injury compensation claim with a lawyer please call 1800 006 766 or click here to contact us.